Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Packing on the Pound

Our little Evelyne had her one month check-up this morning. Mom was probably more nervous than her, but thankfully, this visit did not involve any shots. She weighed in at a modest 9.1lb and is now 21 inches long. That's up from 7.10lb and 19 1/2 inches last month. I told her that I wanted her to gain weight, but watch out that she doesn't inherit the double cheeks that her mom had as an infant (pictures of that in an upcoming post).

She is certainly filling out and the doctor said she was a healthy little baby. (Sigh of relief) It's been a learning curve the past week and a half. I've been working hard to learn her patterns and striving to get her on a schedule. (Sleep deprivation is such a motivator) She's been waking once at night around 2:00am or 3:00am.

Not too bad, my girl! We'll get to sleeping through the night, but for now it's important that you grow.

A few pictures from the week:

Pretty Girl with her hair all clean

Sleeping...did that a lot this week. (Explains the lack of pictures)

Sleeping again. Even Mr. Turtle couldn't keep me awake.

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