Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Little Miss Kindergarten

It's official!  We have a kindergartener in our house now.  Evie started "Elementary School" on Monday.  Mavery keeps telling everyone, "Evie goes the 'Elamamentary School' now".
It was a bittersweet moment for both Mommy and Daddy.
Of course the entire family walked her to her classroom on the first day.  I made Evie hold my hand from the car to the school.  It's possible that I squeezed her hand a little too tightly until we arrived at her classroom.  It was hard for this Mommy to let go, but she was ready, very ready to start school!

We celebrated the end of summer at a "tea party" with some friends Sunday afternoon.

 All ready to go!
Mavery had to take her lunch box and thermos, too!

 Time to load up!

 In her seat at the green table.

 So happy to have Mrs. Hansen as her teacher!!

 Time for Mom and Dad to exit.  
This kindergartener has some serious work to do!

 Enjoying her after-school snack at home.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last Day of Preschool

Here we were back in August 2013 on the first day of pre-K.

And here we were on the last day of preschool in August 2014.
Wow! All three of us are so much bigger now!

 And a fun family selfie.

 Ready to splash her way into kindergarten.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Third Trimester

Raise your hand if you're ready to have a baby!!!
(In case you can't tell, both my hands are high up in the air!)  The above photo is the only picture I have where my baby belly can be almost seen.  I don't like my picture taken, especially when growing another human inside.
Pregnancy has never been my favorite stage of the game, even this third time around.  I just don't like being pregnant.  Here at 28 weeks, I'm big and my skin itches...all over.  I have crazy heart burn and I'm just down right tired from not sleeping well.  Ugh.  But it truly is all worth it in the end.  There are many things to be thankful for:
*A healthy pregnancy so far.
*A mild summer! (we haven't even reached 100 degrees.  Woa, is this Texas??!!)
*Supportive friends and family.

Here's some pics of things we've been doing to wind up the summer...
One last summer visit to the children's museum

Evie showing off the picture she made.

Visiting the church kids and summer camp
Road trip with Daddy!

and sacked out for the trip back home.

Learning to make a mess, oops, I mean wash the dishes.


Mommy and Daddy 

Decorating the baby belly with stickers during church.
(#3, you have some fun big sisters awaiting your arrival!)

 Sacked out on Daddy.  
(is there any better napping place???)

Morning Breakfast together.

Art Class at the Casa

 Fun at the Orange and Blue park across the street.
(enjoying the "cool" August weather)

 Lunch picnic at the park.

New lunch boxes for the new school year

Evie is all ready and signed up for Kindergarten!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

VBS 2014

We had VBS last week at FBC.  The girls had a great time!  The adults were happy to see Friday evening!  It was a fun but long week.  We had a good turn out and it's always fun to see the kids having fun and learning.

Sunday was "Splash in to VBS"
We had water games and enjoyed a fun water balloon fight.
Rub-a-dub-dub five little girls in the tub!

Mavery on the slip-n-slide.

Evie on the slip-n-slide.

Evie saying the memory verse for Mrs. Heather

It was a long but good week.  And Evie has already started memorizing songs for next year's theme.  

 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect 1 Peter 3:15
"Always be ready to tell about Jesus!"