Friday, February 6, 2009

Homework Assignment

I did not go to work yesterday due to the fact that I'm 9+ months pregnant and on Tuesdays/Thursdays I work with small children. While it is rewarding to help at Mother's Day Out, it's absolutely exhausting. So, Mike said I could stay home, but I had to post a new blog. Well, here it is... 4:30am on Friday Morning and I can't sleep, so I blog. (sorry my assignment is a little late, honey)

This ninth month of pregnancy has brought on a whole new meaning to the concept of waiting. The month of January felt like the longest month of the entire pregnancy. And this first week of February has felt like an eternity. However, I know that waiting never takes place without good reason. Just like in Psalms David wrote, "I waited patiently for the Lord and He heard my cry".
I can't say that I have waited patiently this week, but I have definitely cried out to Him. "Please Lord, let it be today!" I know He hears my and Mike's requests to have this baby soon, but we also understand that it's not under our control. Two things in life that we will never be able to predict: the timing of natural birth and natural death.
But alas, I find myself typing this at 4:30am, experiencing those never-ending "practice contractions" and crying out "Please Lord, let it be today!"

We had another fun experience last night at a small Bible study that we have started attending recently. It's mainly young couples and we're doing a study on marriage. The first week there were two of us ladies in attendance who were expecting and one other couple announced that they were pregnant. Then just last night two more couples announced they are expecting as well. Needless to say there was much joy and excitement in the air. It was fun to talk to the three girls who are all about a month or two pregnant. There I was, about to pop, and remembering back with them to the days of morning sickness and the thoughts of, "Oh, my clothes are getting too tight...". Now my concerns rest on "wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-severe-heartburn" and "oh, my maternity clothes are getting too tight". It's such a beautiful journey!
In all seriousness though, I hope Mike and I can be a help and encouragement to those couples who are beginning this amazing adventure. In the same way that the women in my life (and many random strangers) have helped me through this with encouragement and advice, I hope that my experience will render some twinkle of encouragement for their own pregnancy joys and woes (in an un-intrusive way, of course). Mike has had these same encouraging thoughts and words from other men and we both cherish learning about others' experiences.

Unfortunately, sitting up and typing this blog did not put me back into sleep mode. (While it may put some readers into sleep mode...) Hopefully my wonderful husband will give me an A on this assignment and not take off points for it being late. And maybe...just maybe... we will welcome Baby M into the world today....(or tomorrow...or Sunday...), but today works for me!


D and K said...

I was just asking David if he thought you had the baby yet. Can't wait to hear the news and see pictures. Praying for you both!


Tricia F said...

Thanks for writing, Melissa! I've been thinking about you guys nonstop and really look forward to welcoming Baby M into the world SOON! :) Praying for you. Love, Matt and Trish