Thursday, February 12, 2009

Due Date

Well, today is the due date for Baby M. Melissa slept well last night only waking once during the night. We were both awake before 5 am and ready to see what the day would hold for us. I had yesterday off to go on a doctors visit and take care of things around the house.

As I was attempting to leave for work a little early this morning, Melissa kindly interrupted my commute with a phone call to come home. She had her first 'good' contraction this morning at 7:47 am and we called the doctor's office just before 9 am.

Doctor's office advised us to head to the hospital and get checked out. Upon being checked out at the hospital we found that Melissa's water had broken and they admitted her. Contractions have been regular for the past hour and it appears we will be having a baby real soon now.

Here we go!