Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Almost Time!

Tomorrow (1/22/09) will be the 37 week mark for Baby M and he/she will technically be considered "fullterm". I can't wait for that moment when I call Mike, either in the middle of the night or on the phone at work, and say "It's time!". However, I'm a little scared that I won't know exactly when "It's time!". But all of you experienced Moms out there have assured me that "You'll Know!", so I'm hanging on to that advice.

A few indicators that the end is drawing near:

*I am officially waddling. I went for a walk (waddle) at lunch today because everyone says to walk, walk, walk! Being the winter months, sometimes we have to walk, walk, walk around Target, Lowes or Wal-Mart.

*One of the kids at preschool yesterday looked up at me and said, "Mrs. Melissa, why is your belly SO BIG?" None of the kids have asked me this until now. When I asked him if he knew why it was so big, he thought for a moment and replied... "it must be from all that water you drink!"

*I haven't had more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep in about 5 weeks.

Nonetheless, we are super excited about Delivery Day. All the parents are ready for the phone call. The hospital bags are packed. Carseat is in the car. And the only thing lacking in the nursery is our little bundle of joy.

I can't wait to post the first picture of Baby M for everyone. Soon!


Wendy said...

I worried about the same thing - but you will know. My water broke - so that was a clear sign, but beyond that, the labor pains are intense. You will know what you are going through.

We can't wait to see the little bundle of joy! You will be in our prayers!


Anonymous said...

so excited! Baby M Incoming!

I want my phone call delivered in code: "the purple rabbit has jumped the fence; repeat, the purple rabbit has jumped the fence."

That will be a good story to tell Baby M one day ;)

Anonymous said...

You will do wonderful...You can do all things... Just rememeber this too will pass... love u... t