Monday, April 13, 2009

Whatcha gonna do today?

Evie likes to talk about what she will accomplish with her day in the mornings:

Evie has had some wonderful visitors in the last couple of days.

Ms. Debbie came over for dinner and to hold me!
Mr. Bruce and Ms. Cindy came over for Easter lunch... I wanted to hunt Easter eggs but Ms. Cindy insisted that I take a nap... we don't argue with Ms. Cindy!
Thanks for coming to visit!


Gail said...

I think you have a talker on your hands! TOOO cute!! She is adorable!

ps - your flowers are so pretty...and it looks like the veggies are going well. Were you find the time and energy for a garden and infant???- way to go!

Tricia F said...

Love this! While we were watching it, Nala really perked up. Guess she loves little Evie from a distance too. :)