Sunday, March 15, 2015

Destination Unknown...

We wanted to take a road trip as part of our spring break adventures.  However, someone...(Olivia) does not like to ride in the car.  So, Friday and Saturday we decided to pack up and get in the car to see just how far we could get, and maintain our sanity.  We had to do this same type of "road trip training" with Mavery because she hated the car in the same passionate fashion.
Friday, we set out for Lubbock and ended up in Andrews, Texas for the day.  It was fun.  They had a fun city park and a Dairy Queen.  What more could we need?  This is the only picture I got from that trip.  Evie sitting on the tire swing...not looking at the camera.
We ventured home and the car ride was decent with Olivia.  She fussed some, but was able to find her thumb and sleep.  After a little afternoon snooze at home, we decided take the girls to see Cinderella. We are not big movie-goes, so for us to pack up a 6 year old, 3 year old and 5 month old and go see a Disney movie on opening day, on the last day of spring break was pretty spontaneous of us.  But it was a success.  We sat in the back row, got lots of snacks and wrapped Olivia in the sling.  For the most part, the girls did really well in the theater.  Evie, surprisingly loved the movie and wants to go see it again!
Saturday, we slept late!  Then we decided to head out east and see how far we could get.  We ended up at Big Spring State Park.  This was the perfect size park for us.  There is a short hiking trail that we were able master with 3 little girls and a fun park to play on.  

 Scenic view of Big Spring from the edge of the Edwards Plateau

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