Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days!

Here's what we do at the Morrow House on Snow Days:

We bring the water table inside and have a tea party

We drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated

Make a princess tutu to play in

Play in the snow (mostly ice)

Do a little winter gardening

Have Daddy pull me around on a trash can lid (sled)

Throw a few temper tantrums
And pray pray pray for the pipes not to freeze and thank the Lord for warmth!

Here's a few shots from the previous weeks. (when it was warmer)

I love to swing at the park

And I love to swing with Daddy
Like this:

With my head back

Daddy's Girl

This is the day I went shopping with Mommy

And this is me showing some attitude
Mom says I have lots of attitude. I have no idea what she's talking about.

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.

1 comment:

Tricia F said...

so sweet! :) y'all stay warm!