Sunday, May 3, 2009

This weekend...

This was such a fun weekend! Let's start with tummy time on Friday:



And away...! Lift that head up high.

Friday night Mom and Dad tried to make Pot Stickers from a Rachel Ray recipe. It was a flop. The name says it all. They sure did stick to the pan. They didn't have any trouble putting them away, however. Here's the link to the recipe if anyone would like to try them and show us up.

Daddy changing my diaper at the lake.

Great Aunt Sandy. I didn't cry when she held me, but I did manage to spit up all over her fishing shirt. I love Great Aunt Sandy!

This is Uncle Ron using the fishing rod as a cat toy to play with Lucky the cat.

Me and Mom in the wild flowers

Me Mom and Dad in the wild flowers

...and a Sunday afternoon nap in Mom's lap to end a fabulous weekend!

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