Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Summer has just begun but we've had some great times and look forward to many more this summer. 

Isn't it too early for pictures?

Emma and Cate!  Glad we live closer now.


I help you mommy?

 Vroom! Vroom!  Is it my turn yet?

Hop on Pops.

 Daddy's girls.

 Working on the new house... with my hard hat... safety third!

 Dinner on the patio!

Essential sun protection.

Taking a rest by the pool.

Taking a rest in the pool.
Pancake breakfast!

 Popsicles at church!

 Practicing for the Central Texas Bobsled team.  

 Gotta stay hydrated!  Anybody know what time it is?

 Who is that baby sucking her thumb over there?

Motor boat, motor boat, go so fast!

1 comment:

Tricia F said...

So cute! So, y'all have moved and Mike is a pastor!?! Awesome. We need to catch up!