Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Sunny Day

Since it was 80+ degrees today, Mavery and I did some playing in the back yard. Here's what she thought of it:

Um...why is that light SO BRIGHT?

Um...what's this green stuff? Do I eat it?

Um...what's this red thing I'm sitting on? Do I eat it?

Hey, this is kinda fun to climb on.

Ahhh...I can get used to this!


jan said...

Soooo cute!!! Guess she's getting lots of one-on-one with Mom and Dad this week with big Sis in Houston!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics!!!! This is the point where the temps down south and those up here are VERY different. It's 29 right now. Brrrrrr I love to see that sunshine. Mavery is such a doll! Soak it all up :)