Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a Fun Day!

This morning I was getting lunch together because a friend and her little girl were coming over for a visit. Well, I had fed Evie and changed her clothes and she was hanging out in her little rocker watching mommy work and chatter around the kitchen. Then I heard it...the poopy diaper that beat them all. She had it all over her and her sleeper. So, I get her stripped down, bathed (oh yes, a bath. It was much easier than trying to use 25 baby wipes to clean her up) and thought that I didn't want to get her all dressed for a few minutes just to have to change her again if she spit up or whatever. So this is what she got: socks, a hat and a diaper...what more do you need? The socks because her feet were cold, the hat because her hair was wet, the diaper, that's obvious. Enjoy!

My Mom is Weird...but isn't my hat the cutest?
Really Mom?
I had so much fun with Hannah. She sure kept me entertained and made sure I had plenty of toys!
This is Mr. Bird. I like to look at him a lot. Mom thinks he's a little scary, but I like the colors and noises he makes.
Tell me, do these socks make my legs look chubby? Ahh, who cares...they're soft and warm!

I'm going to see Dad for lunch tomorrow and then to see Aunt Sandy and Uncle Ron at the lake this weekend. I'm sure there will be fun pictures of those adventures posted soon! See ya then!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I like Mr Birds eyes... he is looking at you Miss Evie.. and NO your legs are so far from chubby... the socks look great...