I know the day will come soon when I won't be able to call you "little" anymore. But for now...you're my little one. You are growing and changing so fast. You coo and sing and squeak and you are beginning to focus your little eyes on the world around you. When you lay on the floor and look at your toys in the nursery, you follow me around the room with your sweet gaze. I love to watch you smile and it's so hard to not take a picture of you every time you're in you're sweet baby slumber. Even when you are fussy in the evenings for no apparent reason, you are still my sweet little one. Don't grow up too fast! Love, mom
Evie's week in pictures...
This past week I saw my grandma Shara for a few days. We had lots of fun.
She gave me a bath!
And I just relax when I'm with her
We saw the Easter Bunny in our own back yard! He didn't leave any eggs, but it was fun spotting him.
Pretty Sage outside the front door.
All ready for church. Assume the sleepy position. Actually, I was a big girl this week and went to the nursery. Those nursery ladies are great and sure like to love on me.
This is my Easter Sunday Dress. I wore it a week early because it was cold this Sunday and this dress has long sleeves. So Pretty!

Mom giving me my nightly massage.
So Happy!
So Relaxed! Still working on that "lady-like" thing.
This is me all decked out in froggies. I played and played and kicked and kicked until my froggy sock just kicked right off.
And these are mom's desperate measures to keep me from sucking my thumb. She tells me the mittens are to "keep my hands warm", but she's not fooling me. Anyway, the froggy mittens are pretty cool, they have fun rattlers in them.

Hope you enjoyed the slide show. See ya next time!
1 comment:
So sweet! :)
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