My Mom is Weird...but isn't my hat the cutest?
Really Mom?
I had so much fun with Hannah. She sure kept me entertained and made sure I had plenty of toys!
This is Mr. Bird. I like to look at him a lot. Mom thinks he's a little scary, but I like the colors and noises he makes.
Tell me, do these socks make my legs look chubby? Ahh, who cares...they're soft and warm!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What a Fun Day!
This morning I was getting lunch together because a friend and her little girl were coming over for a visit. Well, I had fed Evie and changed her clothes and she was hanging out in her little rocker watching mommy work and chatter around the kitchen. Then I heard it...the poopy diaper that beat them all. She had it all over her and her sleeper. So, I get her stripped down, bathed (oh yes, a bath. It was much easier than trying to use 25 baby wipes to clean her up) and thought that I didn't want to get her all dressed for a few minutes just to have to change her again if she spit up or whatever. So this is what she got: socks, a hat and a diaper...what more do you need? The socks because her feet were cold, the hat because her hair was wet, the diaper, that's obvious. Enjoy!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Around the House
Well, I thought I'd post a few pictures of the happenings around the house. Don't worry, there's pictures of Evie posted, too.
Our latest home-owner adventure has been the recent discovery of a bee colony that took up residence at our house. We kept finding dead bees in the window of Evie's room a few days ago so I went outside and there they were, swarming around the corner of the house. They had nested up in the siding. So, the nursery has been off limits the past few days. The exterminator came out and sprayed to get rid of them. First they got REALLY mad and swarmed the back yard, then they all hovered on our fence for the afternoon. The next day they were gone. It was CREEEEEPY.
Since being on maternity leave, I have been able to do some sewing. I made some baby stuff and mended some clothes around the house. But when my mom was in town, we visited Hobby Lobby and she encouraged me to make a dress for Evie. Mom, always the encourager. So I picked out a pattern and was a little intimidated with it because it has pleats and a zipper. But it turned out o.k. I've started another one for her (same pattern) in a mint green satin. We'll see...
We also got a little crafty and made Evie a mobile to hang above her changing table. She's always so happy and content on the changing table, we thought, why not put something up there for her to look at and talk to. It's very girlie with flowers and butter flies.
From Evie's view
Pics of Little One
Munching on the fist...
Munching on the Paci...
Our latest home-owner adventure has been the recent discovery of a bee colony that took up residence at our house. We kept finding dead bees in the window of Evie's room a few days ago so I went outside and there they were, swarming around the corner of the house. They had nested up in the siding. So, the nursery has been off limits the past few days. The exterminator came out and sprayed to get rid of them. First they got REALLY mad and swarmed the back yard, then they all hovered on our fence for the afternoon. The next day they were gone. It was CREEEEEPY.
Munching on the fist...
Evie also got her first "haircut" the other day. I made sure to use safety scissors and did it while she wasn't bobbing her head, but the hair on the sides of her head was hanging down over her ears so we trimmed. Pretty soon I'm going to have to cut her bangs so they don't get in her eyes.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Family Fun
We had a birthday party for Evie's Great-Grandmother, "Memaw", this past weekend. She turned 85 years old. Yeah for Memaw! Evie's first name, "Evelyne" is after her. It was a special time for Melissa's family to be together. We saw some folks that we haven't seen in quite a while and Mike got to meet some of the extended-extended family. Always fun, always a circus!
Dad and Uncle Lee
Fun Guys
Uncle Lee
Talking to Great-Aunt Sandy
She was afraid to hold me for fear that I might cry. What? Me? Cry? Never!
Don't worry, I'll win you over in a few weeks, Aunt Sandy!
Four Generations
Happy Birthday Memaw!
Cousins Trenton and Hunter
Pretty soon I'll be able to play rough and tough with them!
I think all this family fun has worn me out!

Fun Guys
She was afraid to hold me for fear that I might cry. What? Me? Cry? Never!
Don't worry, I'll win you over in a few weeks, Aunt Sandy!
Happy Birthday Memaw!
Pretty soon I'll be able to play rough and tough with them!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Strike A Pose...
Sweet Little Evie Girl has been taking a bit longer naps and I've had time to do a few more posts this week. During our playtime this morning, we did a little photo shoot. So fun!
I was trying to get a fun picture for her great-grandmother (Memaw) so that she could give it to her tomorrow for her 85th birthday. She's at that age where you can give a picture of yourself to grandparents and it's the best thing in the world!
Morning poses:
I was trying to get a fun picture for her great-grandmother (Memaw) so that she could give it to her tomorrow for her 85th birthday. She's at that age where you can give a picture of yourself to grandparents and it's the best thing in the world!
Morning poses:
Winnie the Pooh Knickers..pretty cool
Serious Vogue Face
(...usually the face we see after she leaves a present you-know-where)
(practicing that face for when she see's all the grand-folks tomorrow)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Daddy's Little Girl
Monday, April 13, 2009
Whatcha gonna do today?
Evie likes to talk about what she will accomplish with her day in the mornings:
Evie has had some wonderful visitors in the last couple of days.
Ms. Debbie came over for dinner and to hold me!
Mr. Bruce and Ms. Cindy came over for Easter lunch... I wanted to hunt Easter eggs but Ms. Cindy insisted that I take a nap... we don't argue with Ms. Cindy!
Thanks for coming to visit!
Evie has had some wonderful visitors in the last couple of days.
Ms. Debbie came over for dinner and to hold me!
Spring Has Sprung
We're very excited about warmer weather, sunshine and spring time... oh, and about Veggies and Flowers!
Cucumbers - 2nd round because the first seedlings were killed off by a brief cold snap we had.
Tomatoes - 4 different varieties.
Do onions put out a flower?
Two Sunflowers in the garden.
Marigold seeds are starting to sprout in the garden.
Rose Moss, Moss Rose, a Morrow favorite, is in the coffee cup pot.
Lantana is out in the front flower bed.
Petunias are in a hanging basket and in the front flower bed.

Daffodils are just about finished blooming in the front flower bed.
Two Sunflowers in the garden.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Oh what a beautiful morning!
That's what I sang to myself on Wednesday morning when Evie slept all night and woke up at 5:30am. Wow! I was so proud of her. I thought that after all the complaining I do about the lack of sleep, I best brag on her for her full night of sleep. We're not fully there yet, as she still wakes up during the night, but it was a glimmer of hope. I know she can do it! Each night is a new adventure.
High Five!
High Five!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Growing Little Girl
Little Evie
I know the day will come soon when I won't be able to call you "little" anymore. But for're my little one. You are growing and changing so fast. You coo and sing and squeak and you are beginning to focus your little eyes on the world around you. When you lay on the floor and look at your toys in the nursery, you follow me around the room with your sweet gaze. I love to watch you smile and it's so hard to not take a picture of you every time you're in you're sweet baby slumber. Even when you are fussy in the evenings for no apparent reason, you are still my sweet little one. Don't grow up too fast! Love, mom
Evie's week in pictures...
This past week I saw my grandma Shara for a few days. We had lots of fun.
I know the day will come soon when I won't be able to call you "little" anymore. But for're my little one. You are growing and changing so fast. You coo and sing and squeak and you are beginning to focus your little eyes on the world around you. When you lay on the floor and look at your toys in the nursery, you follow me around the room with your sweet gaze. I love to watch you smile and it's so hard to not take a picture of you every time you're in you're sweet baby slumber. Even when you are fussy in the evenings for no apparent reason, you are still my sweet little one. Don't grow up too fast! Love, mom
Evie's week in pictures...
This past week I saw my grandma Shara for a few days. We had lots of fun.
She gave me a bath!
And I just relax when I'm with her
We saw the Easter Bunny in our own back yard! He didn't leave any eggs, but it was fun spotting him.
Pretty Sage outside the front door.
All ready for church. Assume the sleepy position. Actually, I was a big girl this week and went to the nursery. Those nursery ladies are great and sure like to love on me.
This is my Easter Sunday Dress. I wore it a week early because it was cold this Sunday and this dress has long sleeves. So Pretty!

Mom giving me my nightly massage.
So Happy!
So Relaxed! Still working on that "lady-like" thing.
This is me all decked out in froggies. I played and played and kicked and kicked until my froggy sock just kicked right off.
And these are mom's desperate measures to keep me from sucking my thumb. She tells me the mittens are to "keep my hands warm", but she's not fooling me. Anyway, the froggy mittens are pretty cool, they have fun rattlers in them.

Hope you enjoyed the slide show. See ya next time!
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