She still does not care for car rides or her car seat. She spends outings and evenings in the sling. I don't mind too much having her wrapped on me, but I will say that she is getting bigger and heavier and my back can vouch for that. She weighed 14lbs (and some change) at her 4 month appointment and measured 24 inches long. She's in the 50th percentile for her age, which is where her two oldest sisters measured at this age as well.
I guess we just know how to produce beautiful, average size little girls.
I was able to get a few smiles out of her the other morning.
Cutie pie!
We tried out some rice cereal this morning. She didn't fight the spoon, but she didn't seem that impressed either.
Evie was a big help wiping up the messy face.

Olivia is a true joy. For the most part, she is a happy baby. She still gets pretty fussy and colicky in the evenings, though. She is having a rough time after her 4 month shots and I think she is trying to cut a tooth. Her little thumb is all red and swollen from where she has been sucking on it. So, we do lots of holding and bouncing and walking to try and keep her happy.
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