Hey Guys! It's been a while. Since you last saw me, I have grown and met lots of family and friends. Check it out:

Fourth of July Weekend I got to see MawMaw and PawPaw in Somerville. PawPaw is having lots of fun in the recliner.
I got to meet my Great Uncle Barney. He was lots of fun and I tried really hard to steal the pen from his shirt pocket. However, I was not successful.
Then we met the Howells. They were so kind to let us stay at their house Saturday night. Mrs. Kristin and Mr. David are expecting a little girl in a few months. Yikes, are they in for some fun!
I even got to play with their dog Maggie. She liked to lick my hands and feet. It sure did tickle!
Then Grandma Susie and Pops came to have lunch with us.
A few weeks ago I also got to meet my Uncle Nate. He stopped by during a business trip to Texas.
TOYS!!! All these fun toys at my disposal, but for some reason I can't seem to get them in my mouth! Why on earth did someone attach them to this big round thing?!?!
oh my, I have been missing you so very much Miss Evie... You are getting so very big but still just a beautiful as ever.. Kisses and hugs from me..
So good to see an update, Miss Evie. we were thinking about you a lot on the 4th since we spent last 4th together... :)
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