When we found out that you were coming into our lives and began to prepare for parenthood, we knew it would be a complete life change. Parenthood is not Monday-Friday; 8-5... it is a 24/7 role that we are now very happy to be playing in your life. However, when preparing my mind for this transition, I don't think I factored in the fact that you would not be willing to sleep in on Saturdays. Don't misunderstand your mommy...you were born to two young adults who act much, much older than their age by being early risers. But 2am and 4am are not my idea of sleeping in on Saturdays. Could we push that feeding to around 6am?
I know that this will all come in good time and you are doing fabulous with eating, sleeping and pooping. You are a star at being cute and adorable and when you need something (even if it's just that you want to be held), you let us know with that hefty set of pipes you were born with. So, for a little one who is just over 3 weeks old, you're doing pretty good. We're so proud of you!
It has been one fun week. We had visits from both of your grandmothers. I absolutely love to watch your grandmothers hold you and coo at you. I love to hand you over to them when your fussy and watch them calm you down in a way that only a loving grandmother can do. I also love to pass you off to them when you have a dirty diaper and watch them change you with a look on their face that says "Wow, I haven't done THIS in a while!"
I love to watch you smile when you're awake and when you're in that peaceful baby slumber. I learn so much more about you each and every day and I'm pretty sure you get more beautiful every single day. I can't wait to see what this week brings.
Love, mom
Pics from Evie
I had quite the exciting week. I got to see BOTH of my grandmothers. I got to meet the folks at my mom's work and I went to a birthday party for Miss Lili and saw my Burleson family.Big Yawn! Grandma Susie sure knows how to get me to sleep.
Ready to meet the folks at Cornerstone.
Enjoying the warm weather in my pretty Lady Bug Dress
Whew! What a week. I think it's safe to say that I was held and loved on quite a bit. It's left me pretty exhausted so I'll see you folks again soon. Love, Evie
1 comment:
Aaahhh! I had no idea you guy had a blog. I love getting to see pics of your precious little angel. She is getting so big. I will frequent here more often. Evie is so lucky to have such amazing parents!
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