Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pics for Mike from the Homestead

Hi Honey,
Me here, sending you some pictures from the homestead just for fun. Thought I'd post them on the blog so it'd count as a new post. Enjoy! Love to you and to all who check our site.

Moses waiting at the door for you. Who, by the way, did his little trick the last half of our walk this morning and who is currently outside barking and chasing imaginary birds around the back yard.
You can hardly see them, but these are the little mushrooms growing all over the front yard because of all the rain. It'll be a beast to mow once the rain slows down, but I'm not complaining...we needed it!
The trees out front...aren't they pretty!

The pantry...I warned you about it, Mike. (Everyone else...don't ask)

The back doesn't look too bad, but it will be fun to mow in a day or so.

The long-lost hummingbird feeder, strategically placed above the purple petunias.

Can't wait to put on the new shutters next week.

O.k., that's it from the homestead. We miss you (the baby and me.....and Moses....)!

1 comment:

Tricia F said...

that was sweet, Melissa!