We kicked off Vacation 2015 with some froyo the night before departure at Orange Leaf.
Why, yes. That is us all boarded on the plane at 6:30am!
Houston, here we come!
First stop, haircuts for Mavery and Evie.
This is the pile of hair that Evie shed for the summer.
Ready for the beach!
Fishing in Pops' pool never gets old.
Outta my way! I gotta get to the beach!
Mavery's "stylish" pose while trying on sun hats for the beach.
We made it to Galveston on Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed the beach for a little while. It was still a bit cool from all the storms and flooding the previous day. This is the gray sky we woke up to on Wednesday morning. Mavery is sitting on the balcony looking pretty glum at the rain on her vacation.
But the rain left about mid morning and we were able to enjoy an afternoon at the beach. Mavery LOVED the water and the waves.
Evie enjoyed building sand castles. (in her life jacket...safety first!)
Olivia hung out in the baby sling. She pouted a little because she didn't get to ride the waves.
But she perked up when she got to go swimming!
Fun time in the pool.
Breakfast of Champions!
Evie lost a tooth at breakfast one morning and we had to let the Tooth Fairy know that we were on vacation. She found us anyway!
On Thursday we took Evie and Mavery to ride a water slide in Bolivar while Olivia had some Grandparent time.
We enjoyed the ferry ride over as well.
Just for fun...
Mommy and the girls spent a few extra days in Houston after our Galveston trip.
Sisters playing little people.
Loving the baby bath in the baby pool. Because she is spoiled rotten!
Borrowing Grandma's hair rollers before bedtime.
Getting toenails painted.
Playtime at the park.
Beep! Beep! Crazy driver!
She found the secret stash of ice cream.
Sweet Baby!
Sink Bath!
Selfie before the flight home. It was exhausting flying home solo with three kiddos, but they did great and we all made it home with smiles on our faces and ready to see Daddy!