We'll start with the Birthday Girl. Miss Evie turned three years old today. Yikes! It just doesn't seem possible.

Evie is growing up so quickly. I have been joking that we are going straight from "terrible twos" to "sassy little lady". Evie keeps us on our toes daily. She keeps us laughing and wanting to pull our hair out all at the same time. I can't imagine how we ended up with such a vibrant little girl with so much personality, but I can't imagine life without her.
Evie loves her little sister, she loves playing dress up, she loves to dance, play with her friends and eat. Our girls are eaters! Evie talks almost non-stop from the time she wakes up until the time she finally goes to sleep at night. I love having conversations with her and hearing what's going on inside of her imaginative little head. We love you Sweet Evie Girl!
Miss Mavery had a rather busy month herself. All in month seven, Mavery began sitting up really well, crawling really well, pulling up to a standing position and she cut two bottom teeth. I don't know who is more exhausted, me or her!

Mavery is a stinker. I think she is going to be our mischievous little lady. I can see her pulling pranks on fellow family members in the future and getting away with it by flashing her angelic little smile. Mavery is fully mobile. She follows me everywhere, especially into the bathroom when I go to run her bath at night. She loves bath time.
Mavery is not a fan of baby food. She has almost entirely skipped baby food. She wants what we are eating and she makes it VERY clear at the dinner table. So, we resort to cutting cheese, bread, fruit, etc., into tiny little bites that she can manage to eat with her two little teeth. What a mess! I'm wondering if she will walk before her first birthday. Oh help!
We are having fun with our two little girls. Most days life is crazy and drama-filled. We have lots of laughter and lots of crying at our house. With two girls who will one day be teenagers, I don't think that will change much. Let the good times roll!