...that I get a voice on this here blog!
I do alot of this these days...
But since my big sister talks SO much, I wanted everyone to know that I have a voice too. Now I'll turn it over to Mom...
After coming home and getting Evie to bed, I convinced us both that it would not be the night and we should both get some rest.
At about 2:00am I woke up to Evie crying. After getting her settled, I couldn't go back to sleep and at about 2:30am the contractions started. They were pretty mild and about 10 minutes apart. So I thought I'd start timing them since I couldn't sleep. Well, at about 3:00am the contractions jumped from mild to intense and about 4 minutes apart. I got dressed and finally woke Mike up at 3:30. I called our wonderful friends, Cindy and her daughter Allison, who were coming to watch Evie. Mike and I scurried and paced around the house until Cindy and Allison arrived at 4:00am. At this point the contractions were coming every 3 1/2 minutes apart. We drove to the hospital, running all red lights, except for the one that has camera.
We arrived at the hospital at 4:30, I walked into triage and was greeted with, "What brings you in this morning Mrs. Morrow?" Really?
I told the nurse, as I was doubled over in pain, that I was having contractions that were about 2 1/2 minutes apart. She proceeded to ask me what seemed like a million questions that at the time I really didn't know the answers to. No one seemed to consider the situation urgent until they finally got me to a room and found out I was 7 centimeters. Things moved much quicker at that point. The papers were signed, an IV was put in, my doctor was notified and I was wheeled to the delivery room. At this point I began inquiring about an epidural, and they obliged.
After a couple more hours of labor, Mavery was born at 7:15am at 7 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.
It was a quick and intense labor/delivery, much different than Evie's 9 hour journey. I am so very thankful for two healthy and beautiful girls. Mike and I are so very blessed.
Mavery's Arrival Story
Mavery Lynn came into this world on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 7:15am. She was one week early and I was extremely happy about her arrival and about not being pregnant any longer. On Tuesday, I was feeling hot, miserable and ready to have a baby. During the afternoon I began having some contractions that became pretty regular so I went ahead and called Mike home from work. He was pretty o.k. with that, but of course as soon as he arrived home, the contractions subsided. Ho...Hum... So we packed up, went to dinner and walked around the mall because it was miserably hot outside. We walked...and walked...and walked...After coming home and getting Evie to bed, I convinced us both that it would not be the night and we should both get some rest.
At about 2:00am I woke up to Evie crying. After getting her settled, I couldn't go back to sleep and at about 2:30am the contractions started. They were pretty mild and about 10 minutes apart. So I thought I'd start timing them since I couldn't sleep. Well, at about 3:00am the contractions jumped from mild to intense and about 4 minutes apart. I got dressed and finally woke Mike up at 3:30. I called our wonderful friends, Cindy and her daughter Allison, who were coming to watch Evie. Mike and I scurried and paced around the house until Cindy and Allison arrived at 4:00am. At this point the contractions were coming every 3 1/2 minutes apart. We drove to the hospital, running all red lights, except for the one that has camera.
We arrived at the hospital at 4:30, I walked into triage and was greeted with, "What brings you in this morning Mrs. Morrow?" Really?
I told the nurse, as I was doubled over in pain, that I was having contractions that were about 2 1/2 minutes apart. She proceeded to ask me what seemed like a million questions that at the time I really didn't know the answers to. No one seemed to consider the situation urgent until they finally got me to a room and found out I was 7 centimeters. Things moved much quicker at that point. The papers were signed, an IV was put in, my doctor was notified and I was wheeled to the delivery room. At this point I began inquiring about an epidural, and they obliged.
After a couple more hours of labor, Mavery was born at 7:15am at 7 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.
It was a quick and intense labor/delivery, much different than Evie's 9 hour journey. I am so very thankful for two healthy and beautiful girls. Mike and I are so very blessed.