Nine months is a short time compared to the 18+ years it takes to raise a child, but it sure feels like a long time to wait for the birth. We've been getting the nursery ready to rock!

The crib delivered while Mike was out of town... it was quickly assembled as soon as he got back in town.

Likewise, Melissa finished the baby's first quilt!

And we made some cute window treatments with fun zoo animals that match the quilt.

Grandma Davis came to visit while Mike was out of town and we had fun making baby blankets and shopping. She couldn't resist the "Grandma Loves Me" onesie.

...and so it begins. This was from a friend of Dad's. Mom is o.k. with such attire as long as there is equal representation.

Aside from getting ready for baby, Mike has been doing some outside projects. This will be our back yard garden! We have been wanting to plant a garden since we have moved into the house and so this weekend Mike took advantage of the most beautiful weather and began digging. Right now it looks like two burial plots, but come spring/summer we'll have a lovely crop of fresh veggies.
Hang in there readers. In four months we'll post pictures of the baby, but for now you get to see what mom and dad are up to during the preparation time. Thanks for checking in!