Over the past few weeks I've discovered some things that make life easier or just more fun. Enjoy the findings:
*Nutella - It may be my new favorite food group. If only it was healthy enough to replace Natural Peanutbutter. Try it if you haven't!
*Mike can trim my hair. I haven't had a haircut since March. Yikes! Sunday morning, I just decided that it was time. I handed Mike the scissors and said, "Trim away". He did a great job. Better that some $20 haircuts I've had in the past.
*There is a fun resale shop less than one mile from my house that sells cheap maternity clothes. I got a brand new pair of 'mommy jeans' for about a tenth of full price. And a cute top. What a hidden treasure! Helps me live by the "never pay full price" rule.
*Starbucks Holiday Espresso Truffle beverage. Liquid Yummy Goodness! I usually don't go for the "fru-fru" coffee drinks at Starbucks. I'm a purist when it comes to coffee. I like it strong with a splash of cream. But this drink is just perfect to satisfy that spontaneous chocolate craving.
*We only have 9 1/2 weeks to go before Baby M's due date! Unbelievable. We just can't wait to meet him/her!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lack of Sleep and Baby Towels
These days, alot of our spare time around the house has been spent setting up the nursery, washing new clothes, blankets and such and getting the house ready for Baby. Why do mommy and daddy have so much of that spare time? That would be because the nights of eight consecutive hours of sleep are a distant memory.
This past weekend was no different. At about 4:45am on Saturday morning I had tossed and turned enough to wake Mike from his peaceful slumber and he finally asks me if I wanted to get up and go watch TV. With that we travel downstairs with pillows and blankets and camp out on the couch to watch early morning infomercials. So romantic! At about 5:30am I begin to ask about breakfast and by 6:00am we were dressed and seated at a new local breakfast joint not far from the house. Yes, we were the first ones there that morning. It proved to be a rather productive day. Mike completed some projects around the house and I cleaned the house. After visiting with some friends that evening, we both crashed at about midnight.
...Sunday...5:00am...Are you awake? Yes, we were both awake and downstairs watching the early Sunday morning televangelists. What's so interesting about this particular morning is that one would think if we woke up THAT early... surely we could make it to Sunday School by 10:00am. But, no.
Check out the converstion that made us late:
Mike: "Sweetie, do you want to go to the store after church and take some baby returns?"
Melissa: "Sure, there is a bag of things right there."
Mike: "We can't take THIS back...it is TOO CUTE!" (speaking of two baby towels)
Melissa: "Mike, honey, we have four baby towels already and we don't even need that many. The baby will out grow them too fast"
Mike: "But Melissa, we need more than 4 towels for the baby."
...and so the conversation went on to receiving blankets, wash rags, crib sheets...until we were sprinting out the door to get to church.
Fortunately, we received some expert advice from Mike's sister who was very helpful on the matter. I want to hear from some other experienced moms.
What item(s) are absolutely necessary for a new baby?
What item(s) are are a waste of money?
This past weekend was no different. At about 4:45am on Saturday morning I had tossed and turned enough to wake Mike from his peaceful slumber and he finally asks me if I wanted to get up and go watch TV. With that we travel downstairs with pillows and blankets and camp out on the couch to watch early morning infomercials. So romantic! At about 5:30am I begin to ask about breakfast and by 6:00am we were dressed and seated at a new local breakfast joint not far from the house. Yes, we were the first ones there that morning. It proved to be a rather productive day. Mike completed some projects around the house and I cleaned the house. After visiting with some friends that evening, we both crashed at about midnight.
...Sunday...5:00am...Are you awake? Yes, we were both awake and downstairs watching the early Sunday morning televangelists. What's so interesting about this particular morning is that one would think if we woke up THAT early... surely we could make it to Sunday School by 10:00am. But, no.
Check out the converstion that made us late:
Mike: "Sweetie, do you want to go to the store after church and take some baby returns?"
Melissa: "Sure, there is a bag of things right there."
Mike: "We can't take THIS back...it is TOO CUTE!" (speaking of two baby towels)
Melissa: "Mike, honey, we have four baby towels already and we don't even need that many. The baby will out grow them too fast"
Mike: "But Melissa, we need more than 4 towels for the baby."
...and so the conversation went on to receiving blankets, wash rags, crib sheets...until we were sprinting out the door to get to church.
Fortunately, we received some expert advice from Mike's sister who was very helpful on the matter. I want to hear from some other experienced moms.
What item(s) are absolutely necessary for a new baby?
What item(s) are are a waste of money?
Monday, November 10, 2008
"You could be carrying the next female president!"
These were the wise words of wisdom we received from the self-proclaimed "Pizza Queen" yesterday at lunch. Mike and I decided to treat ourselves and the baby to lunch after church and went to a pizza joint. We walk up to the counter and Mike orders two buffets and two waters. The lady working (who really was very sweet) thought she'd be funny and say..."oops, I almost charged you for three..." Initially, I was not amused but knew that was the cranky pregnant part of me. She then asked when I was due and we told her February, right around Valentine's Day. She notified us that many former presidents were born in February and that we could be carrying the next American President... maybe even the first female President! We both chuckled and said, "Maybe..." as we grabbed our plates and headed towards the buffet.
It was better than our next door neighbor telling me "Wow! You're as big as a house!" on Saturday. Nonetheless, it sparked some fun and interesting lunch conversation for mom-and-dad-to-be. I doubt that a future president of the United States has taken up residence in my uterus, but Mike and I do have high hopes and dreams for our child. Above all, we pray that he or she will know and love Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and have a healthy respect and love for others.
Aside from carrying around future famous people in my "size-of-a-house" belly, Mike and I have been doing some "nesting" and we start our childbirth classes tonight. The time is getting near and we're excited (and a little scared...)
It was better than our next door neighbor telling me "Wow! You're as big as a house!" on Saturday. Nonetheless, it sparked some fun and interesting lunch conversation for mom-and-dad-to-be. I doubt that a future president of the United States has taken up residence in my uterus, but Mike and I do have high hopes and dreams for our child. Above all, we pray that he or she will know and love Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and have a healthy respect and love for others.
Aside from carrying around future famous people in my "size-of-a-house" belly, Mike and I have been doing some "nesting" and we start our childbirth classes tonight. The time is getting near and we're excited (and a little scared...)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Still Gettin' Ready
Nine months is a short time compared to the 18+ years it takes to raise a child, but it sure feels like a long time to wait for the birth. We've been getting the nursery ready to rock!
The crib delivered while Mike was out of town... it was quickly assembled as soon as he got back in town.
Likewise, Melissa finished the baby's first quilt!

And we made some cute window treatments with fun zoo animals that match the quilt.
Grandma Davis came to visit while Mike was out of town and we had fun making baby blankets and shopping. She couldn't resist the "Grandma Loves Me" onesie.
...and so it begins. This was from a friend of Dad's. Mom is o.k. with such attire as long as there is equal representation.

Aside from getting ready for baby, Mike has been doing some outside projects. This will be our back yard garden! We have been wanting to plant a garden since we have moved into the house and so this weekend Mike took advantage of the most beautiful weather and began digging. Right now it looks like two burial plots, but come spring/summer we'll have a lovely crop of fresh veggies.
Hang in there readers. In four months we'll post pictures of the baby, but for now you get to see what mom and dad are up to during the preparation time. Thanks for checking in!
And we made some cute window treatments with fun zoo animals that match the quilt.
Hang in there readers. In four months we'll post pictures of the baby, but for now you get to see what mom and dad are up to during the preparation time. Thanks for checking in!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Practice Makes Perfect
So... as Soon To Be 1st Time Parents... we are diligent to educate ourselves through reading, asking lots of questions, extensive research and Hands on Experience. Thanks to Cousin Stuart... we had the opportunity to practice with a pint sized super hero!

Buckle up Mini Spider Baby! Are we doing this buckle correctly?
Ready to go for a ride!
Buckle up Mini Spider Baby! Are we doing this buckle correctly?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Child Rearing: Then and Now
This is KoKo. He is a stuffed Koala bear that I've had every since I can remember. A few weeks ago, Mike and I were on vacation at my parents house down in South Texas and I was given the assignment to go through a couple of the never-ending boxes of my stuff that resides at my parents' house. Upon salvaging embarrassing Jr. High photos and grade school report cards, I reunited with KoKo. Now, you must understand...I am not a pack rat. So finding something that I have had for so many years was quite a surprise.
I took the little pre-historic "beanie baby" home to put it in the nursery because we have some other things in the nursery from our respective childhood memories. For example, Mike has a picture of a little boy and a stuffed animal and the bottom reads, "Jesus is my Pard'ner". So cute!
Well, before putting KoKo into the nursery (for display purposes only, of course), I decided to throw it in the washing machine. Luckily, I remembered to put it into a laundry bag because probably somewhere mid-spin cycle he busted at the seams and the little granules that made up his stuffing came out. When I pulled him out of the washer it was a little funny and a little scary all at the same time. Going through my mind was, "What did my parents let me play with when I was a child?" I know I had to chew on this thing at some point in my teething years. How unacceptable! But then, it WASN'T unacceptable 30 years ago. I brought myself back to reality and once again grasped hold of the fact that "child safety" regulations are not what they were many years ago.
Basically, the entire process of preparing for baby is somewhat overwhelming. With all of the specialized bottles, pacifiers, chew toys, clothes, sheets....on and on, my head starts to spin. I'm pretty sure I need another masters degree just to operate a car seat and stroller. But then I remember this piece of reality...there have been babies and births since the beginning of time. Mothers seem to know what to do with their babies and they utilize the resources available to make a suitable environment for the precious little one. Surely I can do the same without totally messing things up. Don't panic, we are going to be cautious and read about good baby stuff that's available and not give our baby toys laden with lead paint to chew on. But all the while it's good to have the reality check that our mommies and grandmommies raised us with much more simplistic resources and we turned out just fine. (or so we think we did...) What a fun learning process this will be!
...And for those of you concerned about the current state of KoKo, I was successfully able to re-stuff him with hypo-allergenic stuffing and stiched him up with some sturdy upholstery thread. Good as new...(at least for display purposes only)!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So Melissa and I have decided that we will not find out the gender of Baby M before it is born. While technology provides such easy access to this important piece of information we want to be totally surprised on Baby M’s birthday – one of the only true surprises in life.
So we have also decided that with the birth of our son or daughter our lives will be filled with immense excitement – boy filled excitement or girl filled excitement. Even though we are both excited for either gender, Melissa refers to Baby M as ‘HER’ while I refer to Baby M as ‘HIM’.
So last night, we were talking about Baby M and Melissa slipped, referring to Baby M as ‘HE’. That settles it… we agree that Baby M will surprise us as our SON!
So we have also decided that with the birth of our son or daughter our lives will be filled with immense excitement – boy filled excitement or girl filled excitement. Even though we are both excited for either gender, Melissa refers to Baby M as ‘HER’ while I refer to Baby M as ‘HIM’.
So last night, we were talking about Baby M and Melissa slipped, referring to Baby M as ‘HE’. That settles it… we agree that Baby M will surprise us as our SON!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Parents-to-be conquer the.....Poopy Diaper!
To prepare for the coming of little Baby M, we as future parents have been helping out in the nursery at church on Sunday mornings. It's fun, it helps us prepare for parenthood, allows us to be good stewards of our time and gets us out of "Big Church". (Real mature...I know). The first Sunday we had the "crawlers" class in which there were about six kids and ONE of them was a crawler. The rest...pretty mobile on their feet. We left that Sunday feeling successful, no major catastrophes or tantrums and no diaper changes. I'm thinking to myself...this baby thing is a breeze.
Fast foward to this past Sunday. We get to church, ask if help is needed in the nursery, and behold, they put us back in the same class...crawlers. This week we had two bonafide crawlers, two cute little boys. So we're going along playing with the toys...and all of a sudden I hear Mike say to his designated little one..."I think someone has a poopy diaper... Um, Melissa".
Now we have both changed our fair share of diapers, but for me it has been quite a few years. So, we traded babies and I conquered that diaper like a pro! We get all settled and guess what?! Little one #2 decides he needs the same services. That's right, not one, but TWO poopy diapers during the Worship Service hour. I left that nursery walking pregnant and proud thinking, "O.K. Baby M...Mom and Dad are ready for you! Bring it on! There's nothing we can't handle, as long as we can tag-team it!"
In all seriousness, working in the nursery on Sundays really does get us excited about the baby's arrival. I've discovered a few important lessons:
*A mirror is a great way to entertain a baby for hours. It's amazing!
*Changing diapers is just part of it and you can make it fun.
*There is nothing more precious than rocking a sweet baby to sleep and then watching Mike take over and rock him too.
Fast foward to this past Sunday. We get to church, ask if help is needed in the nursery, and behold, they put us back in the same class...crawlers. This week we had two bonafide crawlers, two cute little boys. So we're going along playing with the toys...and all of a sudden I hear Mike say to his designated little one..."I think someone has a poopy diaper... Um, Melissa".
Now we have both changed our fair share of diapers, but for me it has been quite a few years. So, we traded babies and I conquered that diaper like a pro! We get all settled and guess what?! Little one #2 decides he needs the same services. That's right, not one, but TWO poopy diapers during the Worship Service hour. I left that nursery walking pregnant and proud thinking, "O.K. Baby M...Mom and Dad are ready for you! Bring it on! There's nothing we can't handle, as long as we can tag-team it!"
In all seriousness, working in the nursery on Sundays really does get us excited about the baby's arrival. I've discovered a few important lessons:
*A mirror is a great way to entertain a baby for hours. It's amazing!
*Changing diapers is just part of it and you can make it fun.
*There is nothing more precious than rocking a sweet baby to sleep and then watching Mike take over and rock him too.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
"Baby M", Meet your Dad
Dearest Baby M,
I want you to know that you will have the most wonderful father a little boy or little girl could ask for. How do I know this? Just look at him, holding your cousin Stuart...he's a natural. I tease him that I'm worried he will be a better mother than me. He's just that great of a guy. I even told some friends last night that he is so wonderfully involved in the pregnancy that he would push for me during the delivery if he could. I know we have another six months before we get to meet you, but here are some things you can look forward to while growing up with your father.
If you should be a little girl, know that you will have your dad wrapped around your tiny little finger from the moment you enter this world. Know also that you will probably not date until you are 25 years old and mini-skirts and mid-drift tops are totally out of the question...so don't even try.
If you should be a little boy, know that you will be raised to be an outstanding gentleman. You will know to open doors for ladies and you will learn at an early age how to mow the front yard on the diagonal, alternating that diagonal each week.
These are just a few ways that your dad will show you how much he loves you and how much he wants you to succeed in life.
We can't wait to meet you and love you and watch you grow.
Pics for Mike from the Homestead
Hi Honey,
Me here, sending you some pictures from the homestead just for fun. Thought I'd post them on the blog so it'd count as a new post. Enjoy! Love to you and to all who check our site.
Moses waiting at the door for you. Who, by the way, did his little trick the last half of our walk this morning and who is currently outside barking and chasing imaginary birds around the back yard.
You can hardly see them, but these are the little mushrooms growing all over the front yard because of all the rain. It'll be a beast to mow once the rain slows down, but I'm not complaining...we needed it!
The trees out front...aren't they pretty!
The pantry...I warned you about it, Mike. (Everyone else...don't ask)
The back yard...it doesn't look too bad, but it will be fun to mow in a day or so.
The long-lost hummingbird feeder, strategically placed above the purple petunias.
Can't wait to put on the new shutters next week.
O.k., that's it from the homestead. We miss you (the baby and me.....and Moses....)!
Me here, sending you some pictures from the homestead just for fun. Thought I'd post them on the blog so it'd count as a new post. Enjoy! Love to you and to all who check our site.
Moses waiting at the door for you. Who, by the way, did his little trick the last half of our walk this morning and who is currently outside barking and chasing imaginary birds around the back yard.
Can't wait to put on the new shutters next week.
O.k., that's it from the homestead. We miss you (the baby and me.....and Moses....)!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Who Will I Look Like?!?!?!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Too Early?
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